Dunedin High Class of 1988
Interesting prices and facts from 1988
Advance tickets have been closed. There are a limited number of tickets available for purchase at the door for $100 per person CASH or CHECK ONLY! Please plan to arrive no later 7:30 pm.

















How Much Did It Cost in 1988?
New House - $91,600.0
Avg. Income - $24,450.00 
Gallon Of Gas - $0.91 
New Car - $10,400.00 
1/2 gal. Milk - $0.85
Hands Free Car Phone - $788.00
Movie Ticket - $3.50
Postage Stamp - $0.24
Dozen Eggs - $0.65
Top News Stories of 1988 
Hubble space telescope is put into operation,
First transatlantic fiber cable laid is able to carry 40,000 telephone calls simultaneously, 
First lazer eye surgery in the US,
MS-DOS 4.0 released,
US population 244,021,000 million,
today-300 million 

Musicians of 1988  
 George Michael 
Gloria Estafan
TV Shows of 1988 
 The Cosby Show 
 A Different World 
 The Golden Years 
 Growing Pains
Top Selling Cars of 1988 
 Acura Integra 
 Acura Legend 
 Audi 5000 
 Chevrolet Corvette 
 Ford Mustang

  Academy Award for Best Picture 
Rain Man


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